Saturday, February 18, 2012

Got me some crafty friends, I DO!!

Hey everybody!

So I have some pretty crazy crafty friends-they are QUITE inspiring I must say!!! Here is a quick look at some of the craftiness that's been happening lately thanks to Mrs. Ashleigh Johnson and Mrs. Jenn Hubal!! Be impressed.. I am!
 Here is the lovely Ashleigh...for our playgroup on Valentine's Day, Ashleigh put together mini heart pizzas!! They were delicious (and off of Pinterest of course!) the kids AND adults loved them!!)

 For dessert, she cut hearts out of rice krispies and dipped them in chocolate and sprinkles.. froze them outside for a bit... SO DELICIOUS! Also a Pinterest inspired creation!
 It's Jenn's little girl, Hannah's birthday this week-so I helped her make a butterfly banner for her party! We used some funky glitter scrapbook paper and created the template ourselves, and then hung it using fishing line.. I thought it came out quite well!!

As for other craftiness, I'm working on cutting the fabric for the duvet quilts that Jill and I will be putting together in early March-but more on that to come!!!

'night all!

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